Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So where exactly are you going again?....

As most of you know this has been one of the most frustrating questions to answer of the last few months. The general answer to this has changed quite a bit over ranging from "Somewhere in South or Central America" to "Panama". I am happy to say that I can finally tell you all where I will living for the next two years! We had our site announcement ceremony today and it was amazing. We watched clips of JFK`s speech that started the Peace Corp, and it was inspiring. I had never seen it before and as cheesy as it is to say I felt honored to be a part of something that is bigger than myself. Enough about that.....drumroll please......

So, I will be living in a Province called Bocas Del Toro, which borders Costa Rica on the Carribean side of the country. I will be living on an island called San Crisobal. It is an indigenous community of about 600 people. I will have several primary tasks including:

1. Aiding artisan and cacao groups with production, marketing and sale of merchandise.
2. Assisting artisan and tourism groups in management and promotion of newly aquired tourism infrastructure.
3. Maintaining contact with foreign donor agencies that support the community.

In addition most all volunteers have secondary projects including teaching english in schools, working with kids and working with other country agencies to promote tourism. From the info I have so far, it sounds like I will not have many amenities including electricity, plumbing or running water (i am not totally sure on that one). I am a follow up volunteer and apparently everyone in the community loves her, so I have some big shoes to fill. In addition to Spanish people speak Ngobê (pronouced No-bay) so it should be interesting trying to learn that as well as improve my Spanish. It takes two days to get there from Panama City because you have to take a boat to get there. I could go on, but there is a huge smile on my face and I can´t wait to find out all of your reactions.

This coming Saturday everyone else who is in my province is going to a current volunteer site for an orientation to the culture which I am looking forward too. The week after that half of my CED group is going to a different volunteer site for technical training. I love all the travel we are getting to do during this time...I love seeing more of the country and meeting other volunteers out in the field. I believe the second week of October I get to go to my site by myself to check it out. Needless to say I have am so excited for the challenge of living with out the usual luxuries. I will post more this coming week when I am out there for culture week.

On a separate note, I finally have my address with me so here is the lowdown.

This is only my address during training (through October). Once I move I will repost new info. Padded envelopes do much better than boxes and registered mail helps. Generally they say things take about 10 days from the US. The address is:

Piper Frode
Cuerpo De Paz-Panama
Edif. 104 1er Piso
Ave. Vincente Bonilla
Ciudad Del Saber, Clayton
Panama, Republica de Panama

Things have gotten lost before, so please hold back on sending me all expensive gifts you have sitting around for me. Thanks again for all the wonderful emails, please keep me updated on how you are all doing. I will post again soon and put up some photos as soon as I have time. We are off to have pizza to celebrate!


kieran said...

Holy crap. The irony is palpable. First you go to the country that I vacationed in, then you go to the very same province. You'll have to go meet Gabriel and tell him hello from me. He's the owner of Los Balcones, a hotel on Careñero island. The hotel is home to the best restaurant in the province, serving awesome Peruvian dishes. Get the ceviche. Ironically my best friend from preschool just posted photos of him eating in that restaurant two weeks ago. You're going to have a wonderful time, and I'm definitely going to come for a visit.

Unknown said...

Holy Crap! That is totally AWESOME! Phil and I just met up with Kieran and his descriptions of the area made it sound amazing! The Caribbean side?! How great is that?! This sounds like the most perfect placement for you! I'm happy to know you will get to use Spanish but also learn a whole new language. I can't wait to hear more about your site once you have a chance to check it out! Phil & I miss you terribly but we LOVE reading your posts!

Much Love,
Liz (& Phil)

Anna Peccianti said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I cant believe it Pipe! Woooooooo hoooooooooooo!!!

This sounds like exactly what you wanted!! I know that you wanted to be somewhat removed from a large city and his sounds perfect. Island living! working with artisans! AHHHHHH! Pipe! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Im here with my mom and we are both jumping for joy!!! I cannot wait to hear about your experiences after visiting the island. If the community embraced the previous volunteer, I'm sure they will LOVE their Pi to pieces. = )


Anna and Diane

Ms. Areyan said...

I know you hardly know me, but I'm fascinated by this blog. Other spoiled Americans think I'm adventurous (or slumming it, depending on whom I'm talking to) for staying in hostels in Mexico and the like.

You, on the other hand, have my utmost respect and admiration. What an awesome experience. I hope LADD doesn't seem boring in comparison once you get back!

Cuidate y buena suerte,

Anita Kill (fresh meat para siempre)

Christina said...

Whoa! Congratulations on your site placement! I know I was super nervous for mine. I can't believe you're living on an island. Geographically, it's pretty much polar opposite of my site in the mountains of Lesotho. :) Can't wait to hear more about it and see photos. Thanks for the address too. How long do you think it will take a letter to get to you from Africa? We'll see...

Charles Frode said...

Wow! You are going to be trilingual soon. We won't be able to keep up with your cosmpolitan self. So glad you are finally in country with your nest settling around you. Sounds like no water will be a little challenging. There is always Coke and champagne...Now we know why beer is so popular in Mexico, eh? Salud! Seriously, we are happy you got there safely, Honey. We know you will be using your business skills everywhere you go.
Maya and Carlo are rarely home these days. Carlo to football games, Maya to friends' houses. Maya is going to college next year, can you believe it? Don't know exactly where yet now that her big sister is gone...The house is full of EG's family visiting, Anne from Salinas too. John is plugging along although always in trouble with stealing stuff from M and C or cutting wires on the lawn tractor... little stuff like that! We are in Autumn now with temps in the 70's, falling leaves, waiting for the first snows. Can't wait to ski but will miss you, Honey. Sending you our happiness for your adventure, hugs and love, and pats on the back for your great work. We love you from Dad, Elvira, Carlo, Maya, and John. Oh, the two cats too, Mischief and Reeses (like in the peanut butter cups)

kieran said...

About the water thing... It rains in Bocas (quite a bit). Water on Cariñero island is supplied from the main island, but the supply is not dependable, since they're at the end of the pipe so to speak. Because of that, most houses seem to use their roofs for water collection, which seems to be enough for the most part. It's a really cool place and I'm looking forward to visiting it again. Houses are cheap to rent on the main island on a monthly basis... which might prove to be a good way for friends and family to come down to visit some time.

Unknown said...

Piper, shipping you out two tools today. I carry almost the same tools and use them all the time, I'm pretty certain you find them useful every day.


-love and best wishes from the Chesterman clan