Monday, September 1, 2008

Volunteer Visit

There have been several questions about my mailing info. I am sorry that has not been posted yet, whenever I seem to be at a computer I don´t have the address on my, like right now! I promise to come prepared next time with some snail mail info.

This last week has gone by so fast, I can´t believe it is already September 1st. On Thursday morning all of the trainees in my groups we sent out to spend a long weekend in the field with current volunteers. All of us were so excited to get out and see more of the country. I ended up going with my friend Monica, which was fun. We went to visit a volunteer named Emily who was living about 4 hours outside Panama City in the Veraguas province (it is called Veraguas because it is the only province that touches both the pacific and carribean, so Ver-Aguas means see-water).

Her site was relativly close to the capital city of Santiago, so overall is was fairly developed. She works with a boys buisness co-op, several muchacasguis groups (AKA girl scouts) and an Ecoclub. We got to go to a girl scout meeting, attend an Eco-fair and meet several other current volunteers who lived close by. It was great to be able to get her perspective on all things Peace Corp. Emily has been here over a year, so had a lot of great insite and knowledge to share with us. All in all it was a fun four days.

The week we have an interview with our program director (also know as our APCD) Zach about what we want out of a community. We should be finding out in a week or two where we will be spending the next two years, so all of us are on pins and needles. The visit this last weekend was a great chance to really ask myself what I want out of the next two years, what kind of environment I want to live it. I am looking forward to talking to him about where he sees me fitting in best. They really do work hard to get to know all of us well so that we will be happy wherever we end up.I am off to catch a bus, but I miss you all. Thanks for all the great emails and I will post again soon.


Unknown said...

well, here's hoping you end up in a community a days ride or less from a developed place with a web cafe. gotta please your readers. ;p


-and a modern hospital.. i mean, web's gotta be the first priority though.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Apparently my mum wrote a rather long bit about thanks for including her on a list of people you sent the blog to, aka how i got it. and her comment was lost to cyberspace. so i'll be posting her comments for her.

Hi, it all sounds so challenging and so wonderful. I love reading about your journey, your experiences and fun. What a trip it all can be! Just so you know your mom and bill are doing very fine and enjoying life, a very good thing. The Chestermans, obviously from Noah's comments as sarcastic as ever. The weather is hot and humid here in CA and life is easy, hope all is well with you this day...


su Chesterman

Miles Frode said...

Hey piper!
it's you'r broski miles.
I am so exited to hear about you'r journey... carlo just turned 16O.M.G can you belive it?!
Dad says mayas looking "emo"
aparently she died her hair a real dark brown..DARK...
no black lipstick yet.
she laughed at that idea....
this might sound kinda cheezy...but this is the first time i've been realy proud of you...
...i've always known you could graduate.. get good grades.. go to college,. get a great job.
I KNOW that you are amazing, and i've always knewn that you would do amazing things... but you surprise me.and it seams that when you surprise me with...well who YOU ARE., That makes me proud of you. I LOVE YOU PIPER.
always you'r brother,