Saturday, October 18, 2008

Only 7 Days Left

It is nearing the end of October now and we are in the last few days of training. This point seemed a lifetime away when I think back to a little over 2 months ago when I arrived here in Panama. More and more the realization is setteling over the group that this is it and the "vacation" is soon to be over. It is hard to put into words the feeling I have knowing that I will soon be leaving the comforts of new friends, lots of structure and a great host family. While I have experienced lots of new beginnings before in life....starting college, moving to a new city, starting a new job...etc...this is something different entirely. It is sort of like moving closer and closer to this ledge of unknown. I am preparing to jump in to this next three months with an open mind and I feel this will be the biggest test that I have put my self up against is exciting and a bit terrifying.

The next few days are going to be a whirlwind of activity as we lead up to our swear in ceremony. We are having a despedida or party tomorrow for all of our host families in Santa Clara for which we are making italian food, having piƱatas and painting faces. It should be good time, but bittersweet. Monday we have our final language interview and then we move back to our original home of Ciudad Del Saber for the last few days of seminars and information gathering at the Peace Corp office. We plan on spending the weekend at the beach together to celebrate and then a week from now I will be officially a volunteer and living in my community. I am looking forward to having some time to relax and share more time with the friends I have made.

From here on out any love letters, postcards and care packages can be sent to my new address:

Piper Frode
Cuerpo de Paz-Panama
Entrega General
Bocas del Toro, Bocas del Toro
Republica de Panama

Same rules still apply...padded envelops work best and certified mail is a good idea. All the mail goes to the main island so I will probably be checking once a week or so. Thanks again for all the emails and comments.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Honey,

I am so excited for you and your new beginning. I just moved jobs and my new office mate is an ex-peace corps volunteer from Kenya. She cannot promote the experience enough and still dreams of going back some day. I guess my point is to get ready for something really special!

Enviously missing you,
