A few months ago I promised them that we were going to do an art project called Gods Eyes or Ojo De Dios. Needless to say, I got busy, went home for a vacation and time got away from me. But they didn't forget, cause they don't forget ANYTHING. Every time I walk around in my community at least one of them shouts "when are we going to make ojo de dios Pai?" So finally I said, "tomorrow after school!" After sending them out for twigs and cutting lots of yarn, we got underway. Everyone was busy working and some got the hang of it quicker than others, but in the end they all left with an awesome Gods Eye, some even managed to make two. I took photos of everyone and have seen Gods Eyes appearing in doorways and windows around the community. More photos of craft projects to come!

That girl's pose is FIERCE! Can you email me your address? I want to send some of these girlies some craft stuff. Miss you!
They turned out great! Way to go girl scout master!
We Need a Few Good Writers!
*Travel with purpose after COS and author a travel guide for your country of service.*
Other Places Publishing, a start-up publishing house created by RPCVs, is actively recruiting PCVs in their final year of service to remain in-country after COS to research and write travel guides for their country of service. Our guides provide unique local insight, highlight those spots off the beaten path, and show the real country to travelers. If you’re up to the challenge, we’d love to hear from you. We’re particularly interested in hearing from R/PCVs in Central and South America. Check out www.otherplacespublishing.com for more info, or email Chris at editor@otherplacespublishing.com. Please pass this information along to other PCVs in your country. Thanks!
See our job posting in the May 15 issue of Hotline and check us out on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Other-Places-Publishing/197817465785?ref=ts
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