Monday, December 28, 2009

Best of 2009

The end of the year always means lots of "best of" lists. The best songs, most popular toys, top 10 news name it, they probably can find a way to make a countdown about it. So to say good bye to 2009, I decided to post some of my favorite images from the last year. Enjoy!

I took this photo at a kids birthday party. Ronnie is holding his candy from a pinata that was filled with flour.

Awesome koi fish in Boquete. The colors of the fish and the tiles of the pool were so beautiful.

A street performer in Costa Rica.

A tourist hanging out with the artisan ladies. She is learning how to make string out to a plant fiber. The women then use the string to make bags and whatever else they can think of!

Casco Viejo at sunset.

I am now obssessed with turkeys. I love how their waddles turn bright red when they are mad.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I spent time in my community and had a great time making apple cider and pepperkoker (swedish gingerbread) for my neighbors. It was the next best thing to being with my family and friends back home. 2009 has flown by and I am looking forward to the New Year!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


December mean one things to the kids here in Panama besides Christmas...Graduation! The school year here starts in late March, so the end of this month means schools out for the summer. The colegio, or high school celebrated its graduation this past week with nine students being honored. One of the traditions is that you ask someone to be your escort, or madrina or padrino. If you are a boy you ask a girl to be your madrina...and vice versa. Think of it as being a godmother or godfather to the student, but only for an afternoon. Duties include walking in with the student, sitting with them and bringing a gift to present when the ceremony is over.

So you can imagine my suprise when my friend Joel asked me to be his madrina. He was first in the class, so I was very honored. The ceremony started like most events in my community...three hours late. But if that is all you got going on that day what does it matter right? After the presentation of the certificates and presenting the graduates we ate lunch and there was even a cake which one of the teachers brought. Below are some photos from the day.

Me, Joel and his aunt Griselda. She was his other guest, but I was the official madrina. Got to have a photo with the gifts! I cheated and asked him what he wanted. He got two new shirts.

Our community rancho all done up for the ceremony. I am sitting on the left up in the front. No event is complete without a dog in the mix.

Joel with his professor Demetrio and his mom Valentina. I have no idea why, but the minute you take a photo of anyone in my community they stop smiling, it is a cultural thing. It is so counter-intuitive! I have to sneak up on people to get a smile.

All in all is was a great time. It made me think back to my high school graduation, how I felt that day. I remember being scared, sad, happy, overwhelmed but mostly excited. Like that was the day my life was going to being. Moving out, college...I had no idea what lay ahead. Most of the kids here have parents who only completed sixth grade, so to continue on into high school takes motivation here. It was wonderful to see these nine students being celebrated and I was grateful to take part.