Thankgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the weather, the chance to spend time in a cozy house with your family, the food, the leftovers...the list goes on and on. Every year here in Panama, a decicated group of volunteers organizes a blowout Thanksgiving. Last year I was unable to attend, so this year I couldn't wait. There aren't many places that fell like fall here in Panama, but the celebration was held at an amazing lodge high up in the mountains called Los Quetzales. It was beautiful, crisp weather and the lodge had amazing fireplaces and lots of couches for lounging. Over 100 volunteers came and we all had a great time relaxing, eating and having improptu dance parties. While it was hard to to think of my family back home, I was so grateful to be celebrating with my Peace Corp family for the holiday.

In Spanish, Thanksgiving is translated "Accion de Gracias", or literally the action of giving thanks. Like most Spanish to English translations, it struck me as funny. I found myself repeating it over to myself.....action of thanks...somehow it just wasn't the same as the "giving thanks". The more I thought about it, I realized that during the last year, I have been actively giving thanks for something almost every week, sometime more, sometimes less. Occasionaly the thanks is given out loud to no one imparticular or sometimes just reflected in my journal. So for this day of actively giving thanks, I thought I woud create a list of some of the thinks i give thanks for almost everyday here in Panama.
1. My friends and family. Sometimes you forget who you are here, and they are there to remind you.
2. On a great day, the opportunity and privledge to be here.
3. On a really bad day, that I only have one year left!
4. My health.
5. Being an educated woman.
6. Challenges to rise above and learn from.
7. A home cooked meal.
8. Music, Music, Music
9. Clean underwear. You can be dirty, but as long as your underwear are clean, things are good.
10. My mosquito net. It is the canopy bed I always wanted as a little girl.
I hope everyone out there had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!