The year is off to a busy start, just the way I like it. After my Global Brigades group left, my focus became finishing off the small composting latrine project that was started by the previous volunteer in my community. I didn't have very much money left to work with, but after revaluating what supplies were needed, it turned out we had just enough to finish the last latrine that had been started over a year ago. In total that would leave us with three finished latrines. After a long day of getting concrete, sand, gravel and other supplies to the work site, two of my fellow bocas Environmental Health volunteers Jesse and Harold came out to help. Here are a few photos from our 3 days of work.

Our crew of helpers and errand runners. These are the kids who live in the house where we were building the latrine.

Taking one of many breaks for cold soda at one of the stores in my site. There is nothing better than a cold Squirt out of glass bottle.

Jesse building the "table" inside the box. The table is made to support the weight of the concrete that gets poured on top. This layer forms the floor of the latrine.

This is how the latrine looked before we started. What you see is a concrete "box" that is dividing in half. Part of the problem is that it is on a hill so water seeps in from the front. Since the point of a composting latrine is to keep the material inside dry, that is a bit of a problem.

Jesse and I applying a layer of waterproofing concrete to the inside of the "box" to keep it dry. I have no idea why, but I really like this part. It is meticulous and you into this zen mood applying it

Looking at our handywork. The buckets are put in to leave holes in the floor for the seats. There is still work to do such as installing the seats and building the "casita" or house that encloses the latrine. More photos to follow!