View of my house and new latrine from the hostel. The guy working hard is my friend Jesse or Krawdi as he is know, who lives about a 40 minute hike away in a neighboring community called Valle Escondido.
Fun times with concrete. I have a new respect for anyone who does construction/mansonry. It is hard work and mixing concrete in a wheelbarrow in the heat is no easy task. Pai seems to have caught on as my nickname of choice. I was dubbed Melly when I arrived, but only a few people use it anymore. Fine with me, I like Pai better.
My friend Brian, or Kogira, he came out to lend a hand. He is in the process of having me dread his hair so he looks a little more crazy than normal.
View from the second floor of the hostel at sunset. Pretty huh?
The guys working hard to trim the inside of the thatch roof. I got up there to help out too. Not easy work.
Last but not least here is little video I took of my house. I have been living there for about a month and it is wonderful. I love having a place to feel at home finally unpacked the slippers my mom gave me almost 6 months ago. I have been enjoying cooking and having some nice quiet time in the evenings to read. I do miss my host family thought. I always felt a part of things and didn´t have to do much to be out and involved in daily activities. Now I have to go out and search people out. Kind of a weird switch to make...luckily I have no shortage of visitors.
It is hard to believe I have been here almost 8 months. A new group of Peace Corp trainees, group 63, arrive in a few weeks. On the one hand, I am almost a little sad to know I won´t be a new volunteer anymore but on the other I am happy to have training and the first few months in site behind me.